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overview / wills

This text is simply called “placeholder” content. There are many reasons why we would use content like this including your site is not live, it has copyrighted material that we aren’t allow to use or because your website is currently down.

Having the right content on your website is vitally important to your Google ranking as well as for the branding of your company. We prefer to put a title to each text area and place special code on it so Google recognizes what the page and site are about. Using this technique is tricky because the keywords need to be present. If they aren’t your ranking could suffer.

Studies have shown that people today will ready bulleted lists
  • They don’t have time to read all of the content
  • People scan rather than read websites
  • It is easier for the eye to pick out a list from a website
  • Lists often are summaries of what the content is about
  • A good list is hard to resist

In addition to lists, remember that since your website’s visitors are scanning your content more than reading. Break up your content with different headlines. Long, unbroken paragraphs will scare away readers. (If you could add 4-5 more paragraphs that would be wonderful.)